Thursday, March 16, 2006

Now, about that "Defensive Driving" class (for dummies)....

Yes, yours truly got caught speeding.....not by a policeman, but by a camera - have to admire the resolution on those things, you could see the inside of my car clearly. There I was, in a bad mood, driving along the scenic route to clear my head and all of the sudden I'm blinded by a flash, seconds later realizing it was not a message from God but a camera that had just caught me speeding along a posh area of Phoenix. About a month later I get a ticket in the mail (they tracked me down all the way to NJ!).

Along with the ticket I get the option to either pay up and get points on my license, or take a 7 hour "Defensive Driving" class and forget all about it. Now, who are they kidding, "Defensive Driving" Arizona???? You have to be offensive in order to survive driving here, but since I'm not stupid I opted for the class.....who knows, maybe I would learn something.

And on the day when the skies opened up leaving Noah wondering where the heck he'd stored the "boat", there I was, driving on route 17 around 6:30am (yes, in the early hours of the morning) rushing to church (no, no, nothing religious about it) to take the class. Well, I did learn a couple of things which hopefully will stick and prevent me from speeding for the next two years (or at least not get caught), since I cannot take this class again until then so any ticket would mean points on my license. Alas, we all know that chances of me not speeding are null.......I'm starting the "Speeding Ticket Fund".............

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