Thursday, January 14, 2010
Posted by
The Board of Directors
6:38 AM
Tuesday, January 05, 2010, umm.....2 Things I love About Phoenix!

Posted by
The Board of Directors
7:00 AM
Sunday, January 03, 2010
Today's Weather Report
Don't hate people, especially my cousins to the East, but today we had wonderful weather here in hell....
Posted by
The Board of Directors
5:39 PM
Could it be Segregation?.........
And now, a controversial post:
- enforced separation of groups: the practice of keeping ethnic, racial, religious, or gender groups separate, especially by enforcing the use of separate schools, transportation, housing, and other facilities, and usually discriminating against a minority group
- segregated state: the state or position of somebody or something kept separate from others
- act of segregating: the separating of one person, group, or thing from others, or the dividing of people or things into separate groups kept apart from each other
I've always maintained that Arizona is a segregated state, and they are open about it, everybody actually seems okay with it - you stay on your side and I stay on mine, their unspoken pact. Coming from the East I forget about this until I realize that I'm the only Hispanic in a restaurant and people are looking at me funny. Don't believe me? Try it out yourself - go to a restaurant in Scottsdale and tell me how many Hispanics you see - not counting those actually cleaning or cooking your food. Drive north of Thunderbird Road and do the same, let me know what you find.
I got a haircut this morning and decided to stop at a restaurant for breakfast because I was too early for my next appointment of the day. They were actually very nice and as I sat on the table to wait for my order I decided to engage in my favorite pastime, people watching. First I checked the wait staff, all young and able but none Hispanic or American Indian, which I found strange since I would venture to say that these two groups represent 50% of Arizona. The only Hispanic people I saw where the one cleaning the tables and the cooks......this made me sad, specially for the girl cleaning the tables and busting her ass just as hard, if not harder than the other ones, but who would probably get very little money for her efforts. Then I decided to scan the crowd and realized that I was the only Hispanic in the restaurant - not that anybody was giving me evil looks, which has happened before, but it made me wonder why "my people" don't venture this far North. Is there an unwritten pact? is it non-visible, but palpable intimidation? somebody?
Then I started wondering, what is it that makes people think that they are better than others because of the color of their skin? is it the fact that we have always, since God knows when, associated white with good and black with evil? As I scanned the crowd I saw people who would definitely make it to the "People of Walmart" website, yet I knew these people thought they were better than me and any other Latin speaking person.....not because of their intellect and education, but because of their skin color.
I wonder how Obama really feels about his accomplishment as the first black president of the US - is he really, innocently enjoying it, or does he look at the crowds around him and wonders if they guy without the law degree and the missing teeth thinks he's better just because he's white?
My father is white, and I never saw skin color until I moved to the US and somebody told me I was not white, as if it was a crime not to be. I hope for the sake of humanity that we change soon, for the better.
Posted by
The Board of Directors
4:56 PM
Up In The Air
Today I want to briefly talk about the movie Up In The Air, with George Clooney (love him!.....this guy can't do anything wrong). I went to see it on New Year's day and it made me think - we just don't communicate anymore. We have substituted the personal touch for the electronic one, and we are okay with that. Now instead of cards you get a text message wishing you a Merry Xmas and Happy New Year, Happy Birthday wishes on Facebook from all you so called "friends".......and we're okay with that. I often find myself lamenting the fact that this or that friend doesn't have a Facebook account, so that I can wish them a happy holiday without having to actually call them and waste an hour of my life.......yet I have no problem wasting hours (3+ at a time) reading posts on the internet from people I don't know, and reading comments from friends on FB. Realizing this made me so unhappy and sad that I've decided to close my Facebook account, albeit temporarily, until I become a REAL friend to my friends, and give them the time they actually deserve.
Don't get me wrong, FB has been great for finding long lost friends, ex-colleagues and even relatives, but it's not a substitute for a real friendship. I love technology and don't plan on giving it up any time soon, but I don't want to depend so much on it either. Technology has made the whole world accessible to me, but at the same time it has isolated me from the real world and that's no good. I pledge that from this day forward, and I hope I can keep this, I will personally call my friends on their birthdays instead of sending them a message, and I will send cards more often. As for my FB account, well, that's up in the air......
Posted by
The Board of Directors
3:56 PM
Friday, January 01, 2010
Public Service Announcement
Yes, I'm back!! and what better way to ring in the New Year than with a public service announcement! Introducing.....
Posted by
The Board of Directors
7:37 AM
Happy New Year!!
Happy New Year to all, may you have a healthy and prosperous one!
I was celebrating at my friend parents' house and by 11:30 p.m. everybody was rushing home before the "shots started". After almost five years in exile here in AZ, I finally realized that the reason I couldn't see the fireworks from my apartment window was not because they were probably far away, but because the sound I heard was not of fireworks but guns being shot in the air.........suddenly, living on the third floor didn't seem like the safest place to be.
Adios 2009 (miserable year!), hola 2010 (full of promise)!
Posted by
The Board of Directors
12:01 AM