Thursday, August 02, 2007

Hmmm, I think the forces of the Universe are sending me a message.....

I was reading Crazy Aunt Purl's entry for August 1, 2007 and it hit home. In it she talks about making a house a home, de-cluttering and living for today. As I read I realized she was talking about me......then, after reading some of the 200+ comments she received for that post I realized that there's quite a few people like myself out there. I don't know if this realization should make me happy that I have company or sad that there's so many people like us. It gave me an incentive, albeit small, to start de-cluttering my home and my life. And as I write this I'm laughing at myself, let's see how long THAT's going to last! You see, I have a bunch of stuff that has been in storage for years. I've been carrying it around with me, not doing anything about it, collecting more and more, but finally this year I decided it was time to part with it - if only the planning wasn't so exhausting I would have finished this project already!! I spend so much time thinking about what I'm going to do and how to do it that I end up not doing it! Exhausting!!

Well Laurie, I think I'm going to challenge myself, and if you can do it so can I!! I'll give myself a deadline and see what I can accomplish - I'll try to keep the planning part to a minimum (yes, I'm already making to-do lists and putting everything into my head, I'm telling you, it's exhausting!). I think 10 weeks sounds good, so I'll try it and see where it takes me. Check back with me in 10 weeks, I'll take before and after pictures.

And as I try to figure out how to get started I did she get that many people to read her blog? I'm so easily distracted.......

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