Wednesday, April 30, 2008

The Peace T-Shirt Project

Meet African Kelli, she's a modern day Mother Theresa, and I want to be just like her when I grow up.  Kelli puts many of us to shame - when I'm planning on how I will spend the money the government will send me, you know, to stimulate the economy (I'm doing my part).....dreaming of flat screen TVs, iPods, trips.....Kelli is taking a couple of trips abroad to bring much needed help to third world countries.

The Peace T-Shirt Project

Kelli is requesting that we donate tees which she will bring to one of two countries: Nicaragua or Mozambique (Africa).  She asks that you send her the tees with a card - you can opt out if you prefer - stating your reasons for helping out.  Please read her blog,, and get to know this wonderful lady and see if you care to participate in this project.

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